Thursday, 9 August 2012

Top 10 Language Myths

Myth # 01 : Learning a second Language is an entirely different proposition from learning one`s native language.

Myth # 02 : Teachers should discourage students from speaking their native language as this will hinder their English language development.

Myth # 03 : Younger children are more effective language learners than older learners.

Myth # 04 : Once students can speak with reasonable fluency, they can quickly pick up the academic work .

Myth # 05 : If the teacher could take the student more often and just focus on teaching the English language to students, learning in all areas would occur faster.

Myth # 06 : Students from some countries are better language learners than students from other countries.

Myth # 07 : It is not possible to diagnose an student for learning disability; the standard tests would be invalid due to lack of English.

Myth # 08 : Until students learn English , there is no point in trying to teach them content area subjects.

Myth # 09 : Learners need a strong grasp of oral English before they are exposed to print.

Myth # 10 : Researchers can not agree on the most effective programs for students.

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